How to give your mum the best Mother’s Day ever

5 Jan 2021

Mother's Day Events

Mothers are the unsung heroes in this world. They do everything for us and are always there to cheer us up, make us smile, and give us a tight squeeze whenever we need some love. Considering all that they do for us, it’s only fitting they should have Mother’s day dedicated to them.

We’re going to look at how to treat your mum to ensure she has the most special day possible. Whether you decide to treat her to a luxury outing, or delight her with a box of Mother’s Day chocolates, we’re sure that she’ll love it. How could she not when it comes from the heart?

Don’t worry if you’re stuck for ideas – we’re going to dive into how to make your mum feel extra-special this year.

Who invented Mother’s Day?

Despite being a relatively secular celebration in today’s society, Mother’s Day in the UK owes its origins to a Christian tradition born in the Middle Ages. During this time, it was traditional for people who had moved away from home to come back and visit their mothers – or ‘mother churches’ – on the fourth Sunday of Lent. 

heart cookie cutter with cocoa sprinkles

Over time, this tradition became known as Mothering Sunday. However, unlike Christmas or Easter, the dates of Mothering Sunday vary each year, due to the changing dates of Lent. 

Of course, nowadays Mother’s Day has become less bound by religion. Instead, many of us see it purely as a time to shower our mother with love, gifts, and affection. 

American beginnings

And, we partly have the Americans to thank for that. The answer to who invented Mother’s Day can be attributed to Anna Jarvis. After her mother died in 1905, Jarvis decided that a day should be attributed to mothers to celebrate them and the sacrifices they make for their children. 

Jarvis was able to gain financial support from Philadelphia department shop owner John Wanamaker. This led her to organise the first Mother’s Day celebration in a Methodist church in West Virginia, with thousands attending the service. 

Elated by the success of her first campaign, Jarvis was determined to see that Mother’s Day was added to the national calendar. She argued that US holidays focused on the achievements of males only. She spent years lobbying politicians and newspapers with a persevering newspaper campaign. Finally, in 1915, President Woodrow Wilson signed a measure, establishing the US Mother’s Day date as the second Sunday in May. 

Back in the UK, Mother’s Day began to take a shape more similar to the US holiday, although it remained on different dates. In 1920, C. Penswick Smith published a booklet titled The Revival of Mothering Sunday in 1920. This, in combination with the end of the First World War when many mothers were left without sons, meant that the celebration soon spread throughout every Christian denomination within the UK.

What to do on Mother’s day?

Don’t worry if you’re out of ideas on what to do on Mother’s Day. As the date comes around each year, it’s not unusual to run out of creativity. Deciding what to do on Mother’s Day doesn’t need to be expensive, either – you can take a typically pricey outing, and recreate it at home, making it more cost effective and thoughtful. 

two Mother's day hot chocolates from above

In the Kitchen

For example, glam up your kitchen and cook her a favourite three-course dinner, complete with a bottle of fizz. This may be no mean feat, but we’ve got a few treats that will certainly make your life easier. We’ve filled our Mini Dipping Adventure for Two with nibbly dunkers for you to dip in our milk, dark, white and caramel milk chocolate pots. Dessert couldn’t be simpler (or more moreish!). 

Create a Spa Day experience

If this seems a bit too daunting, or cooking isn’t particularly your forte, then why not recreate a spa experience at home. This is the perfect solution to how to treat your mum on Mother’s Day, as it gives her a bit of important downtime. Fill a room with candles and tealights, making sure to light a scented candle for a soothing and calming aroma. Our Honey and Fig candle combines cacao and vanilla with a woody base for a scent that will relieve all notions of stress. 

Next, run her a hot bath and leave a pile of goodies in the bathroom: our Body Works Bundle contains everything she needs to feel relaxed after a long soak. To finish off the evening, present her with a box of assorted chocolates: our Everything Collection contains everything she needs to indulge in her chocolate desires. 

The answer to how to treat your mum on Mother’s Day lies in the amount of thought and effort you put in. You can even make a simple walk into a special one. Glam it up into a fancy picnic so that she can dine on delicate sandwiches and raspberry macaroons as she takes in the beautiful surroundings. Just make sure you wrap up warm: April isn’t the warmest month, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make your picnic cosy with blankets and hot water bottles!

Mother’s Day gift ideas

padlocks attached to a fence

Mother’s day gift ideas tend to get a bit samey – of course, there’s nothing wrong with this, but the best Mother’s Days tend to be the most unique. Think about something that’s really special to her: if there’s a certain photo that she holds dear to her heart, then why not print it out and put it in a locket necklace to give her a gift that lasts.

For a Mother’s Day gift idea that is pretty much free, but will still be deeply valued, gift her a promise jar. A promise jar is simply a jar that you fill with promises written on individual folds of paper. These could be things such as ‘I promise to make your breakfast tomorrow’ or ‘I promise to clean the kitchen today’. Each day she can open up the jar and pull out a new promise – just make sure you stay true to your word! 

Mother’s day gift ideas can also incorporate practicality, as much as an indulgence: after all, our mothers are very busy women and so may need a few time-saving gadgets! The Velvetiser is a hot chocolate lover’s dream: simply push a button and expect barista-style hot cocoa, made possible in a matter of minutes! 

The best Mother’s day flowers

What Mother’s Day would be complete without a bouquet? The best Mother’s Day flowers should incorporate her favourite floral picks. Getting a custom made one from a florist is a beautiful way to show her that you’ve really thought about what she loves, and also makes her bouquet completely unique to her.

flowers for a mother's day gift

Typically, the best Mother’s Day flowers should be brimming with spring colours and should smell delightful. Make sure you incorporate flowers which have a strong scent so that she can enjoy not just the stunning look of her bouquet, but also the soothing floral aromas. 

We hope we’ve helped you decide what to do on Mother’s Day and what gifts to treat her with. It may come round every year, but make this Mother’s Day 2021 the best one yet – she deserves it, after all.